Jacobs Market with the Fuji X100

I shot these photos a few weeks back of one of my favourite Cardiff places to have a mooch around on a Saturday afternoon.

If you’re not familiar with Jacob’s market, you’re really missing out and you should pay it a visit the next time you’re in the city centre. If you’re anything like me you will have seen it thousands of times out of the window of the train before your first venture in there.

There are loads, and I do mean loads, of weird and wonderful things that you can find in the market. Lots of different traders have stalls and areas in the building, and if you like vintage items, there’s bound to be something to appeal to you here. And if you like film memorabilia. And old furniture. And old comics. And just plain odd stuff.

My personal favourites are the little ladies holding tambourines in the picture above. I don’t know what I’d do with them if I had them, but they are very cute. There’s also a good selection of teacups, glassware and other things I would have loved when I was majorly into my food photography.

These photos were shot on a Fuji X100, which I am absolutely and positively in love with. It’s not that new for a camera, but we’ve had one in at work for a while to play with, and it’s one that’s very easy to enjoy.

If you’re not familiar, it features an APS-C size sensor (the same size as in my DSLR) and a fixed focal length lens which is equivalent to 35mm. It’s also got what it calls “film simulation modes” to recreate the look of old analogue film photography. These were shot with the Astia preset used.

I’ve also been using a Fuji X Pro1 lately, I’ll have a couple of blogposts with that as soon as I get chance to process them, along with another post with the X100.

As always, any comments, thoughts, suggestions and so on are very welcome in the box below. Enjoy!


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